Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Yet another day

I can't sleep.
Might as well just blog.
I've been skipping class for 4 days straight.
I don't know why I would do this, but believe me, it wasn't pretty.

Like I was saying, I did nothing the whole day.
Stayed at home and rot.
I fought with Mr. Emo.
I'm not sure what is wrong with him.
I wouldn't criticize.
I sprained my ankle on Tuesday.
Pain as it is.
Mr. Mouse wanting a new car.
I'm thrilled to hear it from him.
Although it will lead to everyday going out, late come back.
I'll support you, Mr. Mouse.
Miss you too.
Send Mr. Branded to work today.
He is so funny at times.
But I wouldn't want to cross him.
MSN with Ms. Strawberry and Ms. Princess today.
Princess told me about her friend and the doctor check up.
Not going to write it too.
Mum and I went to Jusco and bought a lot of stuff, including my favourite beer, Tuborg!
Woo Hoo!
When will I ever going to opened it.

Ends the night with foot massage with mum and watching vampire bats eating humans.

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